黄河水利职业技术学院有哪些 financial aid for graduate students?

黄河水利职业技术学院有哪些 financial aid for graduate students?

Financial aid for graduate students in the School of Water Conservancy and Environmental Engineering

1. National Scholarship

  • Offered by the Ministry of Education of China.
  • Covers tuition fees, living expenses, and research expenses.
  • Eligibility requirements include academic achievement, financial need, and good academic performance.

2. International Scholarship

  • Offered by various embassies and international organizations.
  • Covers tuition fees, research expenses, and travel expenses.
  • Eligibility requirements vary depending on the scholarship program.

3. Merit-Based Scholarship

  • Awarded to outstanding graduate students based on their academic performance, research contributions, and leadership potential.
  • Covers tuition fees, research expenses, and a monthly stipend.

4. Research Assistantship

  • Offered to graduate students engaged in research projects.
  • Covers research expenses and a stipend.

5. Teaching Assistant Scholarship

  • Awarded to graduate students who assist professors with teaching duties.
  • Covers tuition fees and a stipend.

6. Student Loan

  • Available to students with good credit and financial need.
  • Covers tuition fees and other expenses.

7. Scholarship for International Students

  • Offered by the International Student Office.
  • Covers tuition fees, living expenses, and travel expenses.

8. Other Financial Aid

  • Some departments and research centers may offer scholarships and grants to support graduate students.
  • Students should check the official websites of the college and relevant departments for updates.


  • Financial aid applications typically open in September or October each year.
  • Eligibility requirements and amounts may vary depending on the scholarship program.
  • Students are encouraged to apply for multiple scholarships to maximize their funding opportunities.