杭州开元职业高中有哪些 scholarship 和奖学金?

杭州开元职业高中有哪些 scholarship 和奖学金?

Scholarship and Award Opportunities at Hangzhou Open-Air Vocational School

1. National Scholarship

  • Offered by the Ministry of Education of China.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

2. Provincial Scholarship

  • Offered by the local education authorities.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

3. School Scholarship

  • Awarded to students with excellent academic performance.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

4. Merit-Based Scholarship

  • Offered to students with outstanding academic achievements and extracurricular activities.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

5. International Scholarship

  • Offered to international students.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

6. Merit-Based Scholarship for International Students

  • Offered to international students with outstanding academic achievements and extracurricular activities.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

7. Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

  • Offered to students with disabilities who meet certain criteria.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

8. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship

  • Offered to students who demonstrate innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

9. Green and Sustainable Development Scholarship

  • Offered to students who are passionate about environmental protection.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

10. Cultural and Creative Scholarship

  • Offered to students who are interested in pursuing a career in the cultural and creative industries.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures vary.

Additional Notes:

  • Students can apply for multiple scholarships and awards.
  • Eligibility requirements and application procedures may vary depending on the specific scholarship or award.
  • Interested students should visit the school's official website or contact the admissions office for more information.