广州城市职业学院的 student exchange 合作有哪些?

广州城市职业学院的 student exchange 合作有哪些?

Student Exchange Programs

  • International Student Exchange Program (ISEP): This program allows students to study for a semester or year at another institution in the United States or abroad.
  • Double Degree Program: Students can complete a degree program at two institutions, allowing them to earn two degrees.
  • Academic Year Program: Students can participate in a program that allows them to take courses and conduct research at another institution.
  • Short-Term Programs: Students can participate in short-term programs that offer a variety of topics and experiences.

Partner Institutions

  • Top 100+ Universities: Partner institutions include universities in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
  • Research Institutions: Partner institutions include research institutions, such as universities and research centers.
  • Industry Partners: Partner institutions include companies and organizations that provide internships and job opportunities for students.

Benefits of Student Exchange Programs

  • Cultural Exchange: Students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives.
  • Academic Enrichment: Students can take courses and conduct research with experts in their field.
  • Career Opportunities: Students can gain valuable experience in a different environment.
  • Personal Growth: Students can develop skills and traits that will make them more competitive in the workforce.

How to Apply

  • Students should complete an application form and submit it to the International Student Office.
  • Students must meet certain academic requirements and have a valid passport.
  • Students must complete a pre-departure orientation and provide documentation, such as immunization records and financial statements.


For more information on student exchange programs, please contact the International Student Office.
