

Journalists use facts and evidence to build a news story by presenting a clear and concise account of what happened. Facts are objective observations that can be verified through multiple sources, while evidence is the result of a systematic observation or experiment.

Using Facts and Evidence

  1. Gather facts:

    • Conduct interviews
    • Review documents
    • Conduct surveys
    • Use credible sources
  2. Identify the main facts:

    • Select the most important and relevant information
    • Organize facts in chronological order
  3. Verify facts:

    • Check the sources for accuracy and credibility
    • Cross-reference facts with multiple sources
    • Consult experts or fact-checking organizations
  4. Present facts:

    • Use clear and concise language
    • Provide context and background information
    • Avoid bias or subjective opinions
  5. Use evidence:

    • Support facts with evidence from multiple sources
    • Provide a clear and concise explanation of how the evidence supports the facts
    • Avoid presenting evidence out of context
  6. Analyze evidence:

    • Identify patterns and trends
    • Draw conclusions based on the evidence
    • Avoid making subjective interpretations
  7. Present the story:

    • Use a clear and concise headline and lead paragraph
    • Provide a brief overview of the facts and evidence
    • Use a balanced and objective tone

Tips for Using Facts and Evidence

  • Use a variety of sources to ensure objectivity.
  • Be aware of your biases and avoid introducing them into the story.
  • Use evidence to support claims, not to support them.
  • Avoid sensationalism or bias.
  • Provide a balanced and objective account of the events.